Texas is notorious for it’s abortion restrictions and it’s politicians are known for their anti-abortion stances. With the Supreme Court ruling against the constitutionality of HB2 this past week, I though it would be appropriate to address other restrictions against abortions in Texas.
The biggest Texas abortion restriction is one that requires the woman seeking an abortion to have a counseling session and an ultrasound 24 hours before the procedure happens. I personally believe that this restriction is unconstitutional. It completely goes against a women’s right to privacy, and with abortions being time sensitive, creates undue burden for the woman. This restriction treats women seeking abortions like they don’t have the intelligence to know what they should or should not do with their own bodies. The “counseling” is has an obvious pro-life agenda, and is placing politics before a women’s health. The decision to abort should be between a woman and her doctor. Legislation created to undermine this private relationship is unconstitutional and ridiculous.
The second restriction Texas places on abortion that I would like to address is the law that requires minors to have parental permission before getting an abortion. Anytime minors are involved it makes things complicated. In this case, there shouldn't be an argument. If a teenager wants an abortion, I personally would hope that they discuss it with their parent(s) before making a decision. But sometimes, this may not be an option. The safety of the young woman seeking the abortion may be put at risk if she were to get parental permission. On the other hand, her parent(s) may not allow her to get an abortion if they have moral qualms about it. This is not their choice. It is no ones choice but the woman's, young or old, seeking the abortion.
While the ruling against HB2 was a huge step forward, there is still more to be done. These restrictions undermine a woman's right to choose. They are wrong. It is time to again say no to the regulation of our bodies.