Thursday, June 9, 2016

No Grey Area When it Comes to Trump Support

Eugene Robinson, an opinion writer for the Washington Post, admonishes members of the Republican Party for their unwillingness to fully commit to Trump or denounce him. In his article, "You can’t be for and against Trump", Robinson points out the bigotry that Trump has expressed towards Mexican immigrants and Muslims is not a recent addition to his campaign. He criticizes members of the Republican party, questioning whether they are “just now noticing Trump’s bigotry?” He draws attention to what he considers to be Trumps appeal: political incorrectness, and wants members of the Republican party who are on the fence about Trump to accept this fact. This article makes an important point, and draws attention to what some consider to be an issue in modern politics: are political parties too polarized? Is it moral to vote for someone because they are a member of your party, even when you disagree with their questionable (in Trump’s case, racist) beliefs?

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